If you allow customers to checkout without paying or do not take payment upfront and prefer to bill or charge your customers on a monthly basis you can use the Monthly Billing feature withing KennelBooker to quickly see a list of customers that have an outstanding balance and email them a copy of their current bill.
From the main menu you will see a option called Arrears Billing, while we choose to call it monthly billing you can run this whenever you wish so if you prefer to bill customers every Friday or every two months you can use this feature as required.
Once you click into the feature, you will see a list of all customers with an outstanding balance. From this screen you have a few options, firstly if there are customers that you do not wish to bill you can deselect them using the Bill toggle to the right hand side of their details.
If you click the Blue [Create & Send Invoices] button the system will send an email to each customer in the list using the 'Unpaid Invoices' template (you can edit this from the Email & SMS settings page). Once emailed the customers bookings are marked as having been billed, so that they are not included in future invoices.
If you need to re-bill customers you can click on the Green [Reset Billed Status] button to reset any previously billed bookings that still have an outstanding balance.