When looking at the following calendar we can see that the kennel does not have continuous space to allocate to a booking wishing to book in for the 23rd of May- 30th May. But you can split the booking across multiple rooms to maximise capacity to 100%.
Click on the [Add Booking] button to start adding a new booking, we are going to skip a few steps in the booking flow (to keep things brief).
Enter the booking dates
On the availability step (this step is optional and can be tuned on in the settings).
Search for the customers
On the Run/Room allocation dropdown list select the '- Split Booking -' option.
And Save the Booking!
On the Confirmation screen - click on the [Assign Runs] button to allocate the correct slots.
View the available slots and select the ones that you require, and click 'Update Booking'. When bookings slots for each day you click the system books that night in the system so for a this booking the night of the 29th is the last one to book, as the pet is checking out on the 30th.
When viewing the booking you will see that Run/Room allocation is set to 'Split Booking', and you will see what rooms the pets have been allocated to for the stay.
On the bookings calendar you will see that the pet has been allocated to the correct slots.