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Opening and Closing Times

In KennelBooker you can set up to two opening and closing periods for each day of the week.

Stephen avatar
Written by Stephen
Updated over a week ago

1. Opening and Closing Time Settings

To add you opening and closing times go to the 'Opening Times' tab in the Settings area.

In the top panel for the opening times you have a number of options that you can turn on or off;ย 

  1. Firstly you can set weather or not allow customers to select preferred drop off and pick times on the online booking tool. The customer can choose their time from a drop-down list (times are incremented in 15 minute intervals - this can be customized).

  2. For smaller business you have the option to remove already booked time from the available list of times that is shown to customers, this can help prevent customers arriving at the same time from dropoffs or pickups!

  3. You can make customers choose a dropoff or pickup time, turning this setting on will force them to select both.

  4. You can give the customer the option of enter a time outside of standard opening/closing times, if the customer chooses this option they will have an input box were they can request a time outside of the standard hours.

Next up you can choose to mark particular days that you close for drop-offs and pick-ups. you can define this for each service - so for instance if you are closed for Daycare on Saturday and Sundays, you can toggle these two days as closed.

And finally you can set two opening periods per day, from the example below the kennel opens from 7am to 9am and 5pm to 7pm Monday to Friday, and opens only between 10am and 12pm on Saturdays, and is closed on Sundays.

You also have the option to only allow drop-offs or pick-ups (or both) at the three different opening periods.

1.1 Common Problems

When setting your opening and closing times, you may have accidentally set the incorrect opening/closing meridian on the time, eg AM instead of PM. If you have multiple opening and closing times it's pretty easy to add in the incorrect time accidentally.

Times not appearing for Daycare or Training bookings, while you may have added in your opening and closing times for there is an additional option on the Daycare Settings screen and the Training Settings screen that can cause the time selectors to not appear on the online system.

2. Pickup and Drop off by 'Special Request'

For certain business who only open by appointment our online booking tool allows your customers to add in their preferred drop-off and pick-up time(s). For other business you can add in your opening and closing times for the day. The request by feature can be used in combination if your customers want to select a time outside of your standard opening and closing times.
To enable this feature head over the Settings area and click on the Opening Hours page

At the top of the page you can turn on the ability for customers to choose a time outside of these standard opening hours by enabling the [By Special Request] toggle option.

Then on the online booking tool your customers can add in their preferred times.


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